
Kali Linux - Essentials


Kali Linux - Essentials


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The Top Eight Kali Linux Tools For 2023 By John Terra Last updated on Mar 24, 2023101482 The Top Eight Kali Linux Tools for 2023 Table of Contents What Is Penetration Testing?What Is Kali Linux?The Top Eight Kali Linux ToolsDo You Want to Become a Cybersecurity Expert? Cybercrime is a serious threat to our IT world, and there are many different tactics employed to fight it. Ethical hackers, also referred to as "white hackers," use various network security tools to test networks and data systems for possible vulnerabilities that a hacker could exploit. Today, we are looking at a sampling of the better penetration test Kali Linux tools available to ethical hackers and penetration testers. Before we jump into the list, let's pause for a refresher on a few essential terms. Become an Expert in the Cyber Security Field Post Graduate Program In Cyber SecurityEXPLORE PROGRAMBecome an Expert in the Cyber Security Field What Is Penetration Testing? Penetration testing, also called pen testing, security pen testing, or security testing, is ethical, or white hat, hacking. Pen testing breaks through an organization's cyber defenses to check for exploitable vulnerabilities in networks, user security, and web applications. To evaluate a computer system's effectiveness, pen testers launch simulated cyberattacks against targeted networks (and with the host's knowledge). In addition, these ethical hackers look for ways around the computer system's defenses, checking for ways to gain access. These attacks help organizations locate the weak spots in their network infrastructure and help guide efforts to ramp up security. What Is Kali Linux? Kali Linux is an open-source distribution designed for cybersecurity professionals, ethical hackers, and penetration testers. It is Debian-derived and focused on providing over 600 tools for penetration testing and security auditing. Offensive Security actively developed Kali Linux and is one of the most popular security distributions used by ethical hackers and Infosec companies. Kali Linux was designed to be used by professionals, web admins, and anyone who knows how to run Kali Linux; it was not designed for general use. Kali Linux has numerous security-hacker applications pre-installed for exploitation tools, forensic tools, hardware hacking, information gathering, password cracking, reverse engineering, wireless attacks, web applications, stress testing, sniffing and spoofing, vulnerability analysis, and many more. You can even install additional tools.