Plan My Shifts | Scheduling as a Service

Datapult ApS

Plan My Shifts | Scheduling as a Service

Datapult ApS

Cut your scheduling costs in half with AI

Are you responsible for scheduling or rostering shifts?
Are you in Finance and trying to understand the cost of a schedule? Are you a Planning Manager trying to roster a schedule? Are perhaps you are investing in labor law compliance? Then you should read about how to automate and optimize scheduling with our artificial intelligence.

  • Plan your shifts and change them easily. Do you have a hard time estimating your labor cost due to over-time? We solve these issues by making a perfect shift for you using artificial intelligence.
  • Match complex qualifications to any shift. You have a hard time scheduling employees because of the complexity. We can schedule according to your competencies fully automated.
  • Engage your employees. We let employees input their wishes and requests so the Plan My Shifts can accommodate them but never sacrifice on the overall objective of your roster.
  • Avoid legal uncertainty on your scheduling procedure. When only a few persons know how you schedule, how can you be sure it is the best schedule for your employees and your salary cost? See how Plan My Shifts solves these issues for you.

Key Benefits
  • 90 Days Acceleration. We promise to solve your need for scheduling today as well as make your future schedules smarter and cheaper.
  • Continuous Support. We are proud of putting customer service first and are known to go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction today and in the future.
  • Engage Your Employees. With our system, the employees can ask for days off or to leave earlier. We will accommodate that if not at the expense of production. This is a win-win for you and your employees.
  • Understand Your Staffing Level. Without an exact and reproducible way to make a schedule, you might not understand your staffing level. How about using our system to generate 100 different schedules to determine your current and ideal staffing level?
  • Recover your schedule in case of sickness. Using our system we can always present you with options that clearly balance the many concerns you have when re-scheduling such as labor cost, employee satisfaction, and production capacity.

Key Features
  • While most scheduling companies allow you to schedule your shifts, we take our offering a step further and offer you the automated and viable schedule ourselves.
  • Using Microsoft Technology we offer a SaaS hosted on Azure and fully integrated into your Azure Active Directory.
  • If you are happy with your current system, you can keep using it. We will just be a plug-in that can automatically schedule shifts for you.
Click on “Get it Now” to plan the perfect schedule for your employees.