Azure AI & ML: 3-Week Implementation

Actminds, Inc.

Improve your business with Data Science & AI: It’s a 3-weeks engagement that aims to explore one business scenario at your organization and leverage Data Science to improve results.

Businesses today are under pressure to drive innovation and improve results – increase sales, maximize profitability and reduce costs. With this in mind, Actminds has designed accelerators to help you explore the benefits of Data Science and AI services and technologies from Microsoft Azure platform applied to your business. These are the accelerators you can explore with the Azure AI & ML: 3-Week Implementation - named Actminds INSIGHTS:
  • Lead scoring & conversion
  • Demand forecasting
  • Recommendation engine for products and services
  • Region ranking by sales potential
  • Employee turnover prediction
  • Expenditure prediction
  • Customer churn prediction
  • Defective product detection by image
  • Assets misuse detection
  • Fraud detection
  • Or a custom scenario designed for your business
Based on the chosen accelerator or a custom scenario designed for your business, Actminds will help you setup and leverage the necessary Microsoft Azure's services - such as Data Factory, Event Hub, Data Lake, HDInsight or Machine Learning - to Ingest, Store, Prepare, Model data and extract valuable insights. You'll also learn the estimated Azure costs for the selected services.

Why is it effective?
To achieve success with these types of initiatives, it’s important to start small: The same way people build MVPs, to test and prove their product idea and value, we help you build your “MVP” in Data Science.

What benefits should you expect from it?

  1. Quick engagement with a minimal investment to explore how data science can improve current processes and results;
  2. Obtain valuable information to support strategic planning & budgeting discussions with stakeholders at the company;
  3. Solid first step to promote and foster innovation at the organization.

There are multiple ways you can enhance your business with AI and Data Science. Let’s explore one together?

Azure AI & ML: 3-Week Implementation
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