Land Survey Solution Powered by Azure & Telescope®: 7-week PoC

Affine Inc

Leverage Azure Services along with Affine's proprietary Satellite Image Segmentation tool - Telescope to perform remote site survey leveraging satellite image data for the AEC industry.

The traditional methods of land surveying involve manual field work, which is both time-consuming and costly. Additionally, the tedious process of classifying geographical features makes the project even more challenging.

Affine's AI-based Land Survey consulting offering overcomes these challenges. Our solution uses Azure and Affine's proprietary Satellite Image Segmentation tool i.e., Telescope,  to perform remote site surveys leveraging satellite image data for the AEC industry. This technology allows customers to quickly identify and classify geographical features such as trees, cars, roads, and buildings without the need for traditional surveying methods.

About Telescope®: Telescope® is a remote sensing technology home-grown at Affine and trademarked by the Indian government to find innovative solutions to complex business problems.

This POC solution is leveraging Azure services such as Azure ML, Azure VM, Azure Functions, Blob Storage, Azure Containers, Azure Maps, Azure Files, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure App Service, Azure Functions, etc,

This Proof-of-Concept implementation can be expanded to your production environment.



  • 40% reduction in survey cost
  • Capture high-quality satellite images
  • Identified geographical features to provide accurate input for area assessment
  • Accelerate topography workflows/land surveys


Agenda (7 weeks POC):

  • EDA - Identification of classes to be predicted via Remote Sensing Tool, Data Understanding and Quality Assessment
  • Image Pre-processing- Image Augmentation & Annotation
  • AI Model Development- CV Model Development - Model Training, Model Testing & Validation
  • Backend Development- APIs creation, API integration with UI/UX
  • Architecture Configuration- Azure Blob Storage, Azure Function, Azure SQL configuration
  • Front End Development- UI Development for Satellite Image Segmentation Tool
  • Deployment - Model and Application Deployment on Azure Infra



The output of this POC will be available in form of annotated images with a prediction of the given area segmented into different geographical classes. Affine’s Analytics approach also helps surveying and construction professionals in better decision-making processes.


Why Affine

Enabling business-focused data science, AI, and BI development with deep domain expertise. 

Affine believes in faster design to faster deployment through key differentiators- Experimentation Focus and Speed to Value.

Land Survey Solution Powered by Azure & Telescope®: 7-week PoC
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