Capgemini Computer Vision: 4 Wk Briefing

Capgemini Group

Computer Vision & Video Analytics

Thanks to several 5G CCTV Cameras available, this Use Case aims to take the corresponding Video Feed and perform: • Object Recognition (with a predefine and expandable set of objects) • Crowd Mobility analysis and management • Face Recognition Capgemini leverages 5G's capability to interconnect a plethora of devices and process in real-time mission-critical data to provide insights.

Capgemini’s 5G Cloud Edge Private Network architecture is built on Azure private MEC and capable to interact with CV/AI engines. Deploying the Azure Stack Edge MEC platform at the enterprise site enables local hosting of applications while protecting critical information (Profile privacy guaranteed by MEC segregation policies). Real-time Detection/Recognition requires low latency (URLLC). High-quality Video Streaming requires high bandwidth availability (eMBB).

Capgemini Computer Vision: 4 Wk Briefing
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