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Azure Marketplace
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All results
Your state-of-the-art Analytics Platform, 8-Wk PoC
1 out of 60
Credit Scoring (CSaaS): 3-Wk Proof of Concept
2 out of 60
Azure Sentinel Proof of Concept
3 out of 60
Unified Analytics with Databricks:1hr Briefing
4 out of 60
Power & Utilities GAP-FIT model 10 Week Assessment
5 out of 60
Data & AI Platform as a Service: 1hr Briefing
6 out of 60
Retail & Wholesale GAP-FIT Model 10Wk Assessment
7 out of 60
Get Started on Your AI Journey: 5-Day Workshop
8 out of 60
Machine Learning Ideation Workshop - 1 jornada
9 out of 60
digitalNXT Search:6-Weeks Proof of Concept
10 out of 60
AI Prototype Building - 10 Day Implementation
11 out of 60
Azure Big Data & Analytics: 1-Day Assessment
12 out of 60
HoloLens 2 Fast-Start: 1-day Workshop
13 out of 60
AI Fast Start: 2-Wk Proof of Concept
14 out of 60
Redapt SmartBot: 2 week implementation
15 out of 60
Facial Recognition System: 6-wk implementation
16 out of 60
Data Intelligence+AI & Machine Learning: 4 Wk PoC
17 out of 60
Azure Architect as a Service - 4-WK Assessment
18 out of 60
Smart Data Platform: 10-days Implementation
19 out of 60
HR Chat Bot: 8 weeks Implementation
20 out of 60
CheckBot Image Recognition: 8-weeks Implementation
21 out of 60
Insight Accelerator: 30 day Implementation
22 out of 60
Prueba de Concepto Machine Learning: 4-6 WK
23 out of 60
Decision Moments - 2 weeks assessment
24 out of 60
Apption Data Assessment for AI Readiness : 1 Week
25 out of 60
App Modernization with Cloud4C: 10 Day Assessment
26 out of 60
Azure Databricks: 1 Day Assessment
27 out of 60
AI for Business Workshop
28 out of 60
DWH Modernization using Azure: 10-day assessment
29 out of 60
Intelligent Azure Operations Governance-1 Hr Brief
30 out of 60
Migrate your application to Kubernetes: 1 Week PoC
31 out of 60
Cloud Native Application on Kubernetes: 10-wk Imp
32 out of 60
AI Strategy for Azure: Scoping Workshop 2 hours
33 out of 60
Modernize Data Platform - 4 to 8 Wk implementation
34 out of 60
Building Cloud Native AI apps: 1-day Workshop
35 out of 60
Data Platform Modernization: 8-Wk Imp
36 out of 60
AI as a service: 6-Weeks Implementation
37 out of 60
Platform Engineering, DevOps & AKS
38 out of 60
Knowledge Mining & Document Intelligence 4Week POC
39 out of 60
AI Image Recognition: 1-D Workshop
40 out of 60
Synapse Analytics 1-day Workshop
41 out of 60
Azure Stack Remote Patient Monitor: 5 Day Workshop
42 out of 60
Dataex - Big Data - 6-Wk Implementação
43 out of 60
IOT Bricks on AZURE - 10 Week Imp
44 out of 60
3-week Data & AI Assessment
45 out of 60
Customer support chatbot: 4 weeks implementation.
46 out of 60
AI-Assessment:4weeks assessment
47 out of 60
Advanced Analytics: Implements in 4 Weeks
48 out of 60
Agile Transformation: Implements in 4 Weeks
49 out of 60
Application Modernization: Implements in 4 Weeks
50 out of 60
Enterprise Integration: Implements in 4 Weeks
51 out of 60
DataOps: Implements in 4 Weeks
52 out of 60
GADA-i: Transforma la Gestión Documental con la Inteligencia Artificial de Azure 4Wk implementación
53 out of 60
Modern Data Warehouse: 10-week Implementation
54 out of 60
KS Threat Protection / 3 Weeks / Implementación
55 out of 60
Machine Learning & AI: 4-Hour Workshops
56 out of 60
Corrosion Detection using Azure 8-week POC
57 out of 60
Promotions Optimization using Azure 6-weeks POC
58 out of 60
F&R Starter Kit Proof of Concept: A 4-Hour POC
59 out of 60
FAR Accelerator - A 1-Day Project Scope Workshop
60 out of 60