Azure IoT: 1 day Workshop

Cloudpro ApS

This workshop will demonstrate how to connect devices and sensors to Azure IoT Hub and deliver insights through dashboards, reports, events and more.
Cloudpro Azure IoT experts will lead the day

Cloudpro will come to your company and conduct a 1 day workshop for up to 8 of your employees or send up to 4 of your employees to Cloudpro facilities including full day treatment. In a day we will help you to understand the value and benefits of using Azure IoT Services and help you plan for an implementation of Azure IoT to leverage insights derived from Azure IoT.


  • Cloudpro will provide an overview of Azure IoT, conduct Azure/IoT advisory and finally setup some sensors to quicky and easily provide you with the digital benefits of leveraging sensors/connectors using telemetry data to gain valuable data insights. Giving you insights and a clear vision for going onwards with Azure IoT implementation


  • Cloudpro will introduce the various Azure IoT services and go through benefits of an Azure IoT setup
  • Cloudpro will demonstrate (show) the instant value and benefits of connecting to Microsoft Azure IoT to gain control with e.g. predictive maintainance, reporting/compliance and workflows integrating with unlimited actions
  • Cloudpro will guide you through the setup of a simple "end to end" Azure IoT solution


  • Introduction: 1 hour overview of Azure IoT Services incl. hands-on
  • IoT Showcase: 1 hour demonstration of real life customer case
  • IoT Setup: 4 hours (setting up a sensor and getting data etc.)
  • Wrap up: ½-1 hour (questions and more)

Cloudpro is a certified Microsoft ISV and Partner focused solely on solutions for Microsoft Azure. Our developers and engineers has successfully made customer solutions which includes own sensors and Azure development including dashboards, mobile apps, web integrations etc. making us able to deliver an end-to-end Azure IoT experience if needed.