Azure Data Factory Migration: 2-Wk Assessment

erwin, Inc.

Automated meta-driven migration of legacy ETL to Azure Data Factory & Synapse pipelines

Automated, metadata-driven approach to optimize, accelerate, and assure the conversion of data movement and transformation processes to Azure Synapse and/or Azure Data Factory, reducing migration costs and risks for faster time to value.

The erwin Complexity Assessment helps you evaluate the migration effort and complexities before making any significant investment. The Complexity Assessment will allow you to have full visibility on your existing ETL jobs, their content, and implications of moving to Azure Data Factory. It will also give you an understanding of the time and cost of the migration as well as any complexities related to the ETL jobs you have implemented.

With the erwin Complexity Assessment, you will be able to make an informed decision on the best way to migrate to Azure Data Factory. If you decide to trust erwin for your actual migration, we will automate the migration process to a large extent, using pattern based automation, and help you accelerate the process while minimizing the risks associated with a manual conversion.

The outcome of the erwin Complexity Assessment will allow us to offer you a statement of work for the migration of your ETL with a fixed cost and committed timelines for a no-surprise migration project.

Typical project gains are in the order of 50+% time and cost saved, although this is dependent on your scenario.

Azure Data Factory Migration: 2-Wk Assessment
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