HCLTech Assessment Services for Modernizing & Migration of Mainframes on to Azure:6-Wk Assessment

HCL America Inc_HCLT

Assessment service for developing the modernization and migration roadmap for mainframe applications to Azure

HCLTech offers an assessment service for developing the modernization and migration roadmap for mainframe applications, that ensures assured and least risk transformation, whilst managing the change that impacts business value chains, people, and organization policies. The assessment will involve both manual and tool-based steps to identify the right modernization path for the applications, both from portfolio and organizational maturity perspective.

  1. Organizational maturity in migrating to cloud:

A high level POV on how well the organization is prepared for migrating from MF to cloud platform, including recommendations for Organizational Change Management (OCM) if needed

The outcome of this phase is "Cloud readiness assessment"

  1. Value Realization:

HCLTech has developed estimation templates that can be used to evaluate the business case for migration through comparison of the TCO of the portfolio in the current and target platforms. These templates are customizable for each client.

The outcome of this phase is "Business case"

  1. Migration Strategy: HCLTech believes an “one size fits all” solutioning that most migrations opt for is inherently flawed; our assessments follow the following cardinal principles: • Multiple treatments are possible in a single modernization initiative, so end state may not be homogeneous • Various intermediate and end state could also be hybrid in nature, requiring need for co-existence planning • What is key is aligning the business requirements to the values generated out of the migration program

The outcome of this phase is "Optimal treatments for each of the application in scope".

  1. Incremental Cloud Adoption:

Most organizations understand a big-bang shift from MF to Cloud is not practically feasible, but do not plan or design properly for inter-app linkages and/or handling the intermediate stages before the target architecture is reached. HCL’s Prizm tool can be used to understand the interdependencies within the portfolio of apps and architect for the transition stages better.

The outcome of this phase is "Wave planning and Transition architecture"

  1. Testing Strategy:

The analysis of the gaps between the current and target states that is done as part of developing the roadmap, can be used to understand the changes to be made and hence areas of focus for testing

The outcome of this phase is "Gap Analysis"

Assessment Methodology: HCLTech has a proven modernization assessment methodology as part of its Application Modernization and Migration services portfolio, that has been successfully implemented for several prestigious customers. Our assessment methodology has 4 phases, each having a specific focus and a defined outcome

These phases are:

  1. Discovery: This involves collection and collation of data at multiple levels to form the foundation of analysis and solutioning in the later stages

  2. Analysis: This phase is where data collected earlier are examined for opportunities to optimize in terms of process and technology.

  3. Solution: This phase is when the treatment for each application is determined and the target state is defined, subject to the EA Blueprint and EA guardrails (if any). This will be a manual process, aided and supported heavily by Prizm (details provided below). Some support is expected from Sponsors, Enterprise Architects and SMEs in finalizing the TO-BE architecture.

  4. Review: Once the target state is defined, a modernization roadmap with quick wins, estimations of cost, effort and duration will be calculated using the estimation templates available with HCLTech.

Deliverables • Technical & Functional Assessment Report • Target Solution Architecture blueprint including Treatment options • High Level Migration Wave Plan & overall timeline

HCLTech Tools and Accelerators & Value Proposition:

  1. iLIT-DC : a Mainframe inventory analysis tool to automatically extract sizing, complexity metrics, dependency mappings and assist in business rules extraction (BRE)

  2. ATMA: Accelerates modernization of legacy applications to modern architecture and platforms through automated code transpilation. It supports a multitude of legacy source platforms and modern target stacks on Azure.

  3. ADvantage Migrate: Accelerates the migration of database schema, objects and data from legacy persistence systems to target database systems on Azure managed databases. It enables automated data sync, data validations post migration

  4. PathFINDER: HCL’s Top-down analysis framework to identify business capabilities enabling key business outcomes, process discovery and product backlog definition for forward engineering

  5. ADvantage Code: It auto-generates service boot strapping code deployable on Cloud platforms on Java/.Net and other modern language platforms. The tool auto generates CI/CD pipeline on the Azure DevOps platform

  6. Application 360: It provides the integrated view of overall project health with all key element of health in one place.

HCLTech Assessment Services for Modernizing & Migration of Mainframes on to Azure:6-Wk Assessment
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