DevOps with Azure 1 Week Proof Of Concept

IFI Techsolutions

Explore Azure DevOps to automate deployments to any cloud with your favourite tools like GitHub, Docker, Terraform, Jenkins etc. Smarter planning, better collaboration & faster GTM with modern DevOps.

IFI Techsolutions is a leading cloud solutions and managed services provider that was recognized as a 2020 Microsoft Partner of the Year Finalist. Founded by former Microsoft executives, IFI Techsolutions has earned Microsoft Azure Advanced Specializations on Windows Server and SQL Server Migration, Modernization of Web Applications and Windows Virtual Desktop

Implementing DevOps in your organization might look like a big transition with complexities and changes to the existing system and processes but not with us. Our team of DevOps certified experts will discuss your DevOps goals and create a POC environment for upto 5 users to try out DevOps capabilities without any cost to you and minimal efforts. Team will also help anticipate obstacles and possible solutions for the full rollout.

1-week POC will help you & your team get a hands-on experience of how the technology can revolutionise your current development lifecycle, benefits like automation, integration with existing process.

Agenda for Proof of Concept

Phase 1- Kick-off meeting and discussion

  • Discuss organization’s objective & expectations regarding implementing DevOps practices.
  • Collect information regarding their deployment process and current applications, tech stack, version control.
  • Understand project management and code reuse practices

Phase 2- Building Proof of Concept

  • POC environment is provided with upto 5 users for 1 month
  • 1 Application is identified by our team for onboarding to Azure DevOps
  • Our engineer works with client team for application changes and onboarding
  • We will create multistage CI/CD pipeline for automated deployment of the chosen app

Phase 3- Proving the concept

  • Demo of build & publish process
  • Demo on how to use other service provided with Azure DevOps like Board, Repo, Test Plans, Artifacts and extension marketplace
  • Discuss other findings and define next steps based on the discussions & POC experience
  • Handover of environment to customer .
DevOps with Azure 1 Week Proof Of Concept
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