App modernization Kick-Start incl PoC

Innofactor Finland

10-day Kick-Start helps you to review your current processes and assess the value that digitalizing processes/modernizing your line of business apps would bring to your business.

Kick-Start your app modernization project with experts who will review, model, visualize and prove value of modernizing legacy applications to Azure in just 10 days.


Discovery Kickoff virtual meeting with stakeholders Review existing data, paper-based process, spreadsheets, and reports Review Azure Data Platform & Dataverse and assess if it suits your cloud strategy Building initial architecture plan on Azure platform for your solution (Workshop) Co-creating an initial prioritized list of development topics (Workshop) Calculating an initial Cost estimate for Azure cloud consumption and other costs Review UI requirements Review business logic and access Agree and sign off deliverables Predelivery review and feedback call Delivery and handover

Innofactor will help you to: Innovate new services and digitalize complex business processes Enable and use Low-Code development Modernizing applications and data with our experienced security-focused developers utilizing scalable Azure cloud platform Create continuous value with agile teams and Azure platform

App modernization Kick-Start incl PoC
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