8-Week Innofactor AI Feasibility Study

Innofactor Finland

Innofactor offers a streamlined 8-week approach to help you evaluate which AI tools and technologies are best suited to your needs.

We believe the platform shift to AI is underway and will transform the way people work, alleviating the burden of increasing workloads and data overload. AI technology presents an opportunity for organizations to unleash creativity, unlock productivity, and alleviate digital debt.

Our 8-week approach will help you to:

  • Evaluate the feasibility of AI for your business challenge
  • Uncover, create governance and secure your data
  • Propose quick and agile development of solutions that utilize the correct AI technology
  • Creating a strategy for utilizing AI with a defined roadmap

Deliverable includes one working Proof-of-concept utilizing Azure Cognitive Services.

8-Week Innofactor AI Feasibility Study
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