Analytics Modernisation POV

Mahaaya LLC

Analytics Modernization Proof of value for proposed solution architecture and implementation path that will be the foundation of future state.

Our Proof of value approach is underpinned by 2 key components. a. Security and Compliance b. Cost optimization

In the Assessment & Strategy phase, we will collaborate with all the stakeholders to understand current landscape and pain points and obtain agreement on desired outcomes. Accordingly, we will put together a tailored strategy to map Azure services to your unique needs and develop 2-week sprints for POV implementation.

In the Proof of Value Implementation phase, the process includes data migration and transformation from selected data sources, data consolidation, and the use of a scalable Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics. Additionally, Azure ML is utilized to build foundation models and underscore actionable insights, while Azure Power BI is employed to create interactive, visually engaging reports and dashboards.

Upon completion of the implementation detailed hands on training sessions will be conducted for the team to enable the smooth transition that can help in scaling the solution and further maintenance.

Deliverables: • Analytical workshops (high value use cases inventory, and pain points) • Proposed Solution Architecture • Competency & RACI matrix • Process / Flow maps for modernization. • Value statistics • Proposed implementation path • Project documentation

Key Outcomes: • Foundation for future state • Controlled cost solution validation • Security & Assurance • Improved data accessibility • Enhanced data processing & performance