Smart Products: 6-Hours Workshop


The term smart products is increasingly used by customers due to the exponential growth of this market in last years. They aim to become increasingly scalable and adaptable to customer needs.

The goal of the workshop follows the current market focus that has shifted from inspecting the potential and benefits of a smart product to looking for enabling solutions to connect their product as easily and quickly as possible to be as competitive as possible. From a technical point of view, Cluster Reply's solution is based on the intensive use of the Microsoft Azure platform and all related IoT modules to better manage the End-to-End solution, with integration of standardized modules to speed customers' entry into this market. Specifically:

  • Azure IoT Hub to manage two-way communication with devices.
  • Data Factory, Data Lake Storage and Data Explorer for streaming monitoring and alerting and for storing telematics data using the data quality mechanism.
  • Application Insight and Log Analytics for platform monitoring and troubleshooting.
  • API Management to interact with third-party systems.
  • Device Provisioning Services and Traffic Manager to ensure business continuity.
  • SDP Core Framework to use pre-built modules that are easy to adapt, scale and extend.
  • Azure AI services to improve user experience and anticipate customer behaviors.

The offering represents a true IoT accelerator that enables customers to remain competitive by reducing their time to market.

A dedicated IoT portal is implemented to monitor dashboards that enable analysis and forecasting of IoT data provided in real time. This portal provides a single point of access for all customer product information, greatly facilitating management and control.

In addition, to make information access even more efficient, we have integrated OpenAI's generative AI model, such as intelligent chatbots. These, integrated with internal documentation enable a learning-oriented customer service process with the goal of making the customer autonomous in solving their own problems. Such an investment represents on the company side an opportunity for economic return, which can in turn sell this customer service as an additional service of its platform.

This kind of project can have a wide impact on all the business value chain:

  • Sales & Marketing Team can take advantage from products usage, User Experience and Customer behavior knowledge data and this allows them to make better sales forecast and improve planning.
  • After Sales & Customer Service can view real-time diagnostic information about products, perform predictive maintenance activities, and provide automated customer support with generative AI chatbots.
  • Technical Service/Engineering Team can monitor the products performance and quality.
  • Research & Development Team can monitor product usage and gather information for future improvements, leveraging the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence insights.
  • Production Team can make better production forecast and improved planning.

The main benefits of attending this workshop and following our approach are:

  • understand your current situation
  • revolutionize your approach through smart products
  • understand the capabilities and benefits of Microsoft Azure
  • understand the benefits of connecting your product (as briefly introduced earlier)
  • define a concrete plan for your transformation journey into the Internet of Things (IoT) and generative AI

The workshop is structured in two sessions of 3 hours each:

  1. First Session Agenda: IoT & AI Industry and trends, exploring Microsoft Azure offering and all its benefits, explore possible strategies to enhance scalability and security for your business, investigating business intelligent and product Transformation Journey, figure out where are you know with some Business Case examples.

  2. Second Session Agenda: tailor Microsoft & Cluster Reply offering to your scenario, define your Intelligent Transformation Journey, valuable insights to meet your goals.

Smart Products: 6-Hours Workshop
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