Azure Virtual Desktop: 2h briefing

SMART business LLC

Key features and benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop for remote and hybrid businesses

As part of this offer, a 2-hour meeting with the customer’s specialists will be held. At the meeting, we will discuss in detail the customer’s goals and possible scenarios for the implementation of this task. We’ll also look into the advantages of Azure Virtual Desktop over RDS. As a result of the meeting, you will have a comprehension of the next steps required to implement Azure Virtual Desktop and an assessment of the project complexity level.

By choosing SMART business, you get recommendations on:

  • instance type
  • redundancy
  • security organization
  • cost optimization
  • network connection
  • next steps of migration

Our benefits:

  • Data is protected by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
  • All rules and guidelines for Microsoft CSP partners are followed.
  • Zero trust model and MFA (multi-factor authentication) are used for all accounts.
  • SMART business meets all the requirements of international standards ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015, has the appropriate certificates.
Azure Virtual Desktop: 2h briefing
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