Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop: 7-Day POC

SOS Group Limited

SOS Group Limited will provide the professional service of deploying Windows Virtual Desktop as a proof of concept for your organization in 7 days.

SOS's Windows Virtual Desktop POC accelerates your deployment of secure remote desktop to leverage dynamic capability of Azure.

SOS will provide the following professional services in Windows Virtual Desktop POC: •Deploy Windows Virtual Desktop with your existing tenant infrastructure. •Build two Windows 10 master images on Azure •Work with your organization to bundle up to 10 standard applications •Propose recommendations, best practices, and roadmpas for success in using Windows Virtual Desktop •Roll out WVD to up to 30 users with 5 Applications packaged utilizing Windows Remote Desktop Service •Integrated Office 365 and Defender for Office 365 with Windows 10 Windows Virtual Desktop

Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop: 7-Day POC
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