Implementation of Azure Integration Platform


Zure Integration Platform is a customized template that offers organizations the ability to transfer and monitor messages between multiple systems through a single platform.

Is your current integration platform too expensive?
Do you have the possibility to see where the failures occur and can the platform self-heal?
Are your current integrations black boxes without version or source code control?

By using Zure Integration Platform that utilizes Azure native PaaS services, you gain control of the costs, have comprehensive monitoring and control without vendor-lock. Zure Integration Platform creates the required Azure resources and tools to be able to create integrations with the Azure tools that suit your needs.

About Integration Platform

Zure Integration Platform is a customized template that offers organizations the ability to transfer messages between multiple systems through a single platform. Compared to other solutions, the benefits of Zure Integration Platform are:
  • No licensing or other costs apart from usage-based Microsoft PaaS resources
  • Transparency and end-to-end visibility into data flows via comprehensive monitoring portal
  • Microsoft best practices guarantee security and conformance to cloud governance
  • Customized Zure Integration Platform enables the use of your organization’s common and business data models, ensuring compatibility and rapid onboarding of new stakeholders
  • Enables any integration parties, such as multi-cloud, on-premises or 3rd parties, due to usage of standard interfaces and protocols
  • No vendor lock-in due to standardized tools and Microsoft Azure resources
  • The Purpose

  • Deploy and configure a customizable Integration Platform with an Azure native toolset that enables fault-tolerant and cost-effective integrations to and from multiple systems without relying on a single application or vendor
  • Utilize the Integration Platform as the heart for the network of your integrations, enabling standards-based plug ‘n play approach into having access to business and other relevant data necessary to building new digital approaches and business opportunities