bCloud LLC
bCloud LLC
bCloud LLC
Version 10.0.17 + Free Support on Ubuntu 20.04
GLPI (Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique) is a powerful and flexible open-source IT asset management and helpdesk solution. It is widely used for inventory management, incident tracking, and service management, making it an ideal choice for IT teams and businesses of all sizes.
Features of GLPI:
- Comprehensive asset management for hardware, software, and licenses.
- Efficient ticketing system for managing incidents and service requests.
- Customizable workflows and automation for streamlined operations.
- Multi-entity management for large organizations.
- Advanced reporting tools for detailed analytics and insights.
- Strong security with user access controls and regular updates.
Credentials for accessing GLPI are stored securely within the credentials.txt file located in the /var/www directory.
# To access the GLPI installer, navigate to http://your-server-ip/glpi in your web browser and follow the installation steps.
Disclaimer: GLPI is provided "as is," without any warranty, express or implied. Users utilize this software at their own risk. GLPI is an open-source project and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by any organization.