Rocky Linux Community Editions - Provided by CIQ


Rocky Linux Community Editions - Provided by CIQ


Community editions of Rocky Linux, provided by CIQ for your convenience and optimized for use on Azure.

Rocky Linux is an open-source enterprise operating system designed to be a drop-in replacement for Red Hat Enterprise Linux®. Created by the original founder of CentOS, Rocky Linux is under intensive development by the community and offered here for your convenience by CIQ, the founding sponsor of the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation. More information at and

This image has been enhanced for use on Azure with the addition of the cloud agent, and is regularly updated by CIQ to ensure your systems have the latest available patches and security updates when starting new instances before you bring them online to perform further updates ahead of production use. Images for both x86_64 and arm64 architectures are available.

As this is a Community image offering, support is provided by the Rocky Linux community. These resources are attached to this listing as links. CIQ is committed to providing a high quality, working image to benefit the community but once deployed, the operation and maintenance of this image are your responsibility unless you have purchased a separate enterprise support contract from CIQ directly.

CIQ offers additional, premium options. For customers who don't require full-on enterprise support, but do need to meet their organization's compliance requirements, CIQ offers "Rocky Linux from CIQ" which source updates from CIQ-operated mirrors giving software supply chain validation, along with an SLO around security updates if they are not provided upstream, and limited indemnification for the open-source software.

CIQ also offers a range of enterprise support options for customers who need the assurance of having someone to call to work through the most difficult challenges. Our standard level support provides full access to our self-help resources around the clock. We are available by phone 06:00 to 18:00 Pacific Time on all US business days. Support is also available via email and chat with a response time window of at most eight hours and usually much less. Our premium level support provides the standard level above and more. We are available 24x7 for Sev1 issues with a 30-minute initial response time and can connect with you via phone, email and chat. In addition to troubleshooting and diagnosis, we can provide system administration guidance and even development services.

Contact CIQ if you are interested in learning more about CIQ's enterprise assurance or enterprise support offerings.

Usage Instructions:

Connect to the instance using SSH. Use the following information to connect to the instance:
User: rocky
IP address: use the public IP address of the instance
For example: $ ssh -i ./ssh-key-yyyy-mm-dd.key rocky@IPAddress
When you are logged in as the rocky user, you can use the sudo command to run administrative tasks. The firewall is enabled by default with only port 22 open.