Cereals Seeds Recognition API


Cereals Seeds Recognition API


Recognizes Grain Seeds from an input close up Photo using AI and powerful cloud infrastructure.

Cereals Seeds Recognition API - SeedXDet (also known as Cereals Seeds Detection API or Cereals Seeds Detector API or Grain Seeds Recognition API) is a cross browsers REST API which get a JSON input with a still photo (as base64 encoded string), containing focused close ups of grain seeds and returns a JSON string which contains predictions of the input photo regarding the probability of certain Grain Seeds among these: Wheat, Maize, Rice, Oat, Barley, Sorghum, Millet, Quinoa, Rye The recognized Cereals Seeds have confidence score, timestamp, tagId, tagName. Of course, there are some limitations in order to get a higher accuracy. We recommend properly exposed, close up, unobstructed JPEG photos at 1920x1080 (full HD resolution) where the Cereals Seeds is clear and focused. If the Cereals Seeds details are too small or blured, the accuracy is lower and the AI algorithm may not classify in a proper way. We do not store pictures. Also, the quality and the angles of the camera are very important and it contribute to a higher reading accuracy. It should has varifocal lenses, high shutter speed, good infrared lighting beam, full HD resolution.

Allthough this Automatic Cereals Seeds Recognition API (currently we do not offer a Cereals Seeds Recognition sdk) is intended for software development and therefore developers, we have also here an Cereals Seeds Recognition online application that may be used to check the input and output JSONs of the API. The necessary steps are written below, basically for this real time Cereals Seeds Recognition API you send an authorized POST request in JSON format to the API endpoint and you get as JSON response the output as described below through parameters and examples.

This Cereals Seeds Recognition API is useful for a number of agricultural domains like apps for: grain seeds sorter cameras for automatic agricultural seeders, automatic grain silos etc. You own the commercial copyright of the resulted JSON with no additional fee meaning you may use it in your own apps for sale.