Version 8.13.1 + Free Support on debian 12
Gradle is a powerful open-source build automation tool designed for building, testing, and deploying applications across multiple programming languages, primarily used in Java, Kotlin, and Android development. It provides a flexible and efficient system for dependency management, incremental builds, and integration with CI/CD pipelines.
Features of Gradle:
- Highly customizable and scalable build automation.
- Incremental builds for improved performance.
- Supports multiple languages, including Java, Kotlin, and Groovy.
- Seamless integration with Maven and Ivy for dependency management.
To check the installed Gradle version, run: gradle -v
Disclaimer: Gradle is an open-source project released under the Apache 2.0 license. It is developed and maintained by the Gradle team and contributors and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by any specific company beyond its maintainers. Gradle is provided "as is," without any warranty.