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Version 3.16.4 + Free Support on CentOS 8.5

Helm is an open-source package manager for Kubernetes, designed to simplify the deployment, management, and maintenance of applications on Kubernetes clusters. It enables users to define, install, and upgrade applications with reusable packages called "charts," making it an essential tool for Kubernetes users.

Features of Helm:

  • Efficient management of Kubernetes applications through reusable charts.
  • Ability to install, upgrade, and roll back application versions.
  • Support for templated configurations to manage resources effectively.
  • Integration with Helm repositories for easy sharing and discovery of charts.
  • Powerful templating engine for parameterized configuration management.
  • Scalability to manage both simple and complex Kubernetes applications.

To check the version of Helm: helm version

Disclaimer: Helm is released under the Apache 2.0 License. Users are responsible for understanding the licensing terms and ensuring compliance. Helm is provided "as is" without any warranty.