Professional Services Edunao x Azure 1-Day Implementation


Edunao offers Professional Services to improve Learning experience and technologies. Edunao is an Independant Software Vendor (ISV) of Azure-hosted solutions.

Benefit from the best online Teaching & Learning professionals, to make your online campus lively and efficient for your learning community!

Edunao offers Professional Services for Consulting, Project Management and Integration of Moodle-based Learning Management Systems hosted on Azure. Used Azure services are mainly Compute, Storage, Security and suchlike.

Professional Services help customers improve Online Learning experience and technologies. Edunao is an Independant Software Vendor (ISV) of Azure-hosted solutions.

Value proposition

Edunao Professional Services provide access Online Learning Professionals, specialized in Azure-hosted solutions, integrated with other Microsoft solutions such as Office 365 and Teams.

Services include: Application Development, Application Integration, Application Lifecycle Management, Cloud Platform, Data Analytics, Data Center, Data Platform, DevOps or Security.

Edunao supports five types of consulting services:

• Assessment: an evaluation of a customer’s environment to determine the applicability of a solution and to estimate the cost and timeline of its implementation.

• Briefing: an introduction to a solution or a service using frameworks, demos, and customer examples.

• Implementation: a complete installation that results in a fully working solution.

• Proof of concept: a limited-scope implementation to determine whether a solution meets the customer’s requirements.

• Workshop: an interactive engagement conducted online or on the customer’s premises. It can involve training, briefings, assessments, or demos built on the customer’s data or environment.

Edunao Services are offered in standard 1-Day purchase. 

Edunao offers standard &-Day Service, usable up to 4 x 2 hours Service.

Also, Human Development Index (HDI) is applied on rate whenever relevant, price are then discounted as follows: 

  • 25% discount when HDI < 0,750
  • 50% discount when HDI < 0,500
  • 75% discount when HDI < 0,250

Standard Services

Available consulting services ordered are a 1-Day provision, decremented on-demand. Please contact Edunao Sales Representatives for Advanced and Long-lasting services or Project management services.


• Assessment: depending on customer's needs, assessments vary from simple structured comments on existing issues, to large audits of the actual usage or technical situation.

• Briefing: Edunao teams offers end-to-end knowledge of digital learning management systems, allowing full ideation and project brief. Edunao uses a unique and pragmatic methodology to support team in the process.

• Implementation: Edunao Professionals manage Digital Learning projects, from brief to complete delivery and maintenance

• Proof of concept: please see here a presentation of Lilicampus, a packaged solution offered by Edunao Professionals

support convergence of various challenges and constraints, Edunao runs workshop for customers. Standard workshops help organization to (re-)assess needs, project, deployment, etc. Once solutions delivered, Edunao Professionals can also help to train, support or demo solutions.

Feel free to order directly or get in touch!

Professional Services Edunao x Azure 1-Day Implementation
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