Airport Analytics for Quality and Services Department: 6 Week Proof of Concept

Glorious Insight Pvt Ltd

Glorious Airport Analytics for Quality and Services Department provides an accurate collection of all the KPIs needed to be monitored by Quality and Services department stakeholders of the airport.

There are many departments which are managing the overall operations of the Airport. It is important that each of the department must have the complete visibility of their department performance. The Solution offered by Glorious Insight - Quality and Services Analytics cover all the perspectives of different KPI's needed by the department to be monitored.

Glorious Airports' Quality & Services Analytics covers and guides the quality standard maintenance efforts & effects at the airport. The prime responsibility of Quality team is to ascertain and deliver on superior service as per the standards of the airport administration. The team is responsible for identifying quality gaps, providing solutions, doing process audits and overall quality control at the airport.

The Quality & Services Analytics helps the airport management to increase passenger satisfaction and improve business performance. The module covers the various quality metrics of the airport facilities with comprehensive key performance indicators. The management is provided insightful reports with drill down/up features with easy-to-understand visuals.

The Quality and Services team looks forward for the complete 360-degree view of their department’s performance over key parameters, with internal and external data. In reference to this - Glorious Airport Analytics Quality & Services module provides an accurate collection of all the KPI's in one centralized Dashboard with role-based access.

We offer a reliable and feature rich Azure data platform infrastructure to accelerate reporting and analytics within your organization.

Glorious Airport Analytics team will engage the client team (and other stakeholders) over a 6-weeks period to deliver a Data Analytics Platform on Azure and assist in user adoption to drive successful outcomes.

If you're an organization looking to modernize your BI workloads, where do you start? One of the first steps is understanding your reporting needs. But with so many providers on the market, which system is best for your business needs? The answer might be that none are right for you. Just because a provider has the capabilities to handle some portion of what's requested in a reporting need doesn't mean they can automate those entire tasks.

It's imperative that organizations recognize they have a choice in how they deliver their analytics projects and choose wisely by assessing what their unique organization needs are and selecting one based on those requirements.

50% Reduction in time to deliver a data platform infrastructure: • With the proliferation of analytics platforms and tools, organizations looking to modernize their BI workloads are unsure about how to proceed • Those who do take initial steps to Azure, run the risk of provisioning expensive resources that are not fit-for-purpose in an ungoverned manner • Glorious's Azure Data Platform presents a pragmatic approach & architecture to move to Azure • It caters to management reporting as well as other typical organizational reporting needs • It is also extensible to support modern real-time analytics

The pricing and time period of the POC is based on the scope of work of the project.

Our airport analytics’ website showcases our capabilities in the airport domain.